If you or someone you love is injured, you may be asking, “How do I choose a good personal injury lawyer?”
Choosing a personal injury lawyer can seem like a daunting process; sometimes, all of the firms seem so similar as to blend together during the selection process. There are, however, important differences between personal injury firms. Choosing the right personal injury attorney can improve your overall odds of having a successful claim and obtaining compensation.
Below are some strategies for choosing the right personal injury attorney for your case:
- Location. Consider the location of the firms that you are deciding between. Has that firm tried a case in the county where the case will take place? Having experience with a particular set of jurors can be the difference between a successful verdict and an unsuccessful verdict. Local demographics and juror opinions will be important to the resolution of your case. Any case is only as valuable as a local jury decides that it to be.
- Experience. Does the lawyer have experience with your particular type of case (e.g. medical malpractice, products’ liability, etc.)? The lawyer’s credentials and track record of success are also important. Make sure the lawyer has time to take your case and give you the attention that you need. A lawyer may be a good lawyer but not have time to take on an additional case. Similarly, a past history of negotiating successful settlements and obtaining positive jury awards is also important.
- Size of law firm. You don’t want to be a random number on a file that is handled by an inexperienced “newbie” lawyer. Choose a firm where you know the lawyer handling your case. You want the firm that you choose to know your name, your case, and your face.
- Competency of staff and assistants. An office that is responsive, organized, and clean is a sign that the office runs well and will give your case the best chance at success.
- Research the firm. Research the firm online and ask around to see what the reputation of the firm is locally. Does the lawyer have a website that explains what their firm is about? Do your friends and family have good things to say about the firm? It’s important to understand how reputable and skilled a prospective lawyer may be.
Finally, take advantage of the free consultation. Speak to the lawyer to ensure that you feel confident with them as your individual lawyer. WDC Injury law offers free consultations to all injured people, please call 607-500-HURT or email Welch, Donlon & Czarples PLLC.